Again Mao's exponents of the theory of the transition of the revolution of the democratic revolution in the  direction of socialism is also a remarkable contribution to Marxism-Leninism.


In China after the first stage of the revolution, state-power was not placed in the hands of the bourgeoisie as state-power was being established in the liberated zones under the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the proletariat while the protracted people's war was going on throughout the countryside of China in which peasants and workers were the basic forces, and revolutionary petty bourgeois, intellectuals and revolutionary national bougeoisie were the allies.


This People's Democratic Dictatorship (PDD) was actually the base of the socialist revolution. So to say, it sowed the seeds of the socialist revolution so skillfully that the latter bloomed and flourished as natural phenomenon. Of course it does not mean there was no serious class-struggle. Rather, the class-struggle was the key-link, which-consummated the socialist revolution in China.

The Chinese revolution taken as  a whole involved a two-fold task — it embraced both the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the proletarian socialist revolution.


The goal of the revolutions of both China (which was colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal) and imperialist Russia was same — the socialist revolution, yet there were distinct differences between the two paths.


Democratic and Socialist Revolutions in colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries will have to be accomplished learning from experiences and teachings of great Lenin and Stalin but mainly following the path of Mao tse-tung.



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