Whither Nepalese Left (While in Nepal on his mission to complete the documentation project on Indian freedom struggle, I Mallikarjuna Sharma recently spoke with Sahana Pradhan, President of the Communist Party of Nepal(ML) to understand the tendencies now developing on the communist left of Nepal. Excerpts:) e were all part of the United Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist) led by Late Manmohan Adhikari. He was even the Prime Minister for two times and I was a minister in his cabinet once. But Manmohan Adhikari gradually turned a rightist. He bagan to say :
But we, the militant sections of the party, had violently differed with these rightist tendencies and separated from the party two years back. At that time about 46 M P (In Nepal they are called Members of the Pratinidhi Sabha) of the party were in our fold when we separated from the Communist Party of Nepal (United M-L) and formed our own Communist Party of Nepal (M-L). Balram Upadhyaya is the Chief of our Advisory Board. Within a very short time we formed and developed our party branches in 73 out of 75 districts in Nepal. We have two categories of members — Ordinary and Organized. Organized members are our real cadres. All youth activists disenchanted with the rightist policies of Late Adhikari i.e of the Communist Party of Nepal (United M-L) as also with the ultra left policies of the Maoist Party i.e. Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) led by Baburam Bhattaray and Prachand, are joining us in great numbers. We have a front with like-minded and somewhat more-left-than-us parties and organizations. It is called Nine Left — Nou Vaam Morcha. This is a losely coordinated morcha (front) — issue-wise (demand based). The earlier Seven Left morcha during the great Janandolan (people’s agitaion) of 1990 was of a more cohesive and strong nature. It was called the Samyukt Vaam Morcha. At that time nothing like the present Maoist party was here. All of us communists were united and were in the UCPN (M-L). The following are the constituents of the present Nou Vaam Morcha :
more to the left than us. But they are not so widespread and have powerful influence and presence in 8-9 districts only. They too participate in elections. But they do not have much relation with the Communist Party of China.
it was very close to the Communist party of India but now it has turned more militant and leftist here. It has presence or strength in 2-3 districts only.
We are conducting militant people’s struggle under the banner of this Nine Left Morcha. Just a few month back we staged a huge dharna in front of our Parliament. (The Singh Durbar). About 20,000 people gathered at the place and did dharna. The police acted quite provocatively but we kept our cool and did not give them a chance to pounce upon us and commit excesses. It was a peaceful and quite impressive dharna. In Nepal the common people have great respect for the Raja (King). They adore him and almost worship him as an avatara of God. The King too believes that he is a daivansa sambhuta or much more, the very avatara of Vishnu himself. That is why he does not go and worship at the great temple of Seshasai Vishnu. His logic is that since he himself is an incarnation of Vishnu, he does not need to go there. However, he is devoted and cautious enough to go to the great Pashupatinath Temple on the auspicious days and worship him. On the birth day of the King, people from even very remote districts of Nepal trek to Kathmandu — they travel scores/hundreds of miles on foot for the occasion and one can find a great crowd near his palace to have just a glimpse (darshan) of his person on that day. In this background one cannot even think of advancing a slogan for the end of monarchy in Nepal. So we do never advance slogans for the